18 August 2011

Frosting for the Cause

Frosting for the Cause

Today I'm not here. Today I'm over here, at Frosting for the Cause. Have you heard of this wonderful site? I came across it last spring and as soon as I saw it I knew I needed to join in to bake a difference.

Cancer touches all of our lives. Everyone I know knows someone who has been touched by cancer; either personally or in their family or family of friends. It's time that cancer becomes one of those diseases of the past; one for which you realize you have it and go get a shot and poof, it's gone.

I made Zucchini Bars and shared them with a local Breast Cancer Support Group. Click on over and read all about them. And then check out the Frosting for the Cause site. I can guarantee you will be inspired. I certainly was.

I know that making some yummy treats to brighten someone's day won't cure cancer. But it's something. And when you put a bunch of little somethings together, it can become something big. And maybe that "something big" will finally be a cure.

Thank you to Frosting for the Cause for all you've done over the past months and will continue to do. You are an inspiration.

Happy Thursday everyone!



At August 18, 2011 at 7:37 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

I am on my way to join you there!

At August 18, 2011 at 8:11 PM , Blogger The Better Baker said...

How 'sweet' of you!


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